Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Ten Authors I Have Met

Book signings and events are the best. I scan through the events page on the Waterstones website far more than the average person ought to, because book signings are just so fun. Not only do you get to meet authors you admire, but you also get to meet people with your shared love for reading, which I often find more memorable than the signing itself. This topic works perfectly for me this Top 10 Tuesday, because there are actually only 10 authors I have met. The images of the books below will be of the ones I got signed.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Does Good Sci-Fi Need to be Realistic? (and is it really different from fantasy?)

There can be a fine line between science fiction and fantasy, so much so that they can occasionally be hard to distinguish from one another. So what makes the two genres different?

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Wonderful Books to Read in One Sitting

It's really difficult to find the time to read a book in a single sitting. It's even rarer to find a book that CAN be read in a single sitting. But sometimes I come across a book that is just so easy to glide through - like they were designed to be devoured in a day. Here are 10 lovely books that I think you can do just that with.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Upside of Unrequited // a truckload of diversity and relatable experiences

Before I even picked up The Upside of Unrequited I was quite nervous to read it. I loved Becky Albertalli's debut novel, and I didn't want to find myself comparing the two. But despite the two stories existing in the same world, they ended up feeling very separate. And although I didn't like it as much as I loved Simon, I found that Upside was cute and relatable in a whole different way.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

5 E-ARCs I Need to Read

I've been marvellously on top of my Netgalley and Edelweiss requests this year. Instead of focusing on catching up with older requests, I've been reading my newer requests the month they are released so they don't pile up. That way I can publish my reviews in good time in the hype build up around the release dates. However, that does leave a couple of ARCs that I need to reserve for further down the line, not to mention a few e-copies I requested many moons ago back when I was a mess and when the releases had come and gone. That leaves a total of 5 books that I really ought to be reading this year, and I'm hoping with this post I can get some encouragement on which books to read next!

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My Spring TBR

I'm looking to mix it up with a bunch of different genres this Spring, so my TBR for the season is pretty varied. I have some Historical Ficiton, 2 Sherlock Holmes adaptations, 3 Contemporaries, and 3 books by Sci-Fi/Fantasy books by Laura Lam that I'm hoping to get through.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Oliver Twist // a mini review for a massive book

I had significantly low expectations for reading Oliver Twist. I attempted to read it once before when I was much younger and found it incredibly slow and painful to power through. But over 6 years later and I found that I really quite enjoyed it.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Diversity Spotlight #1

I have discovered a wonderful blog meme and I knew the second I saw it I had to take part. Diversity Spotlight Thursday is hosted by Bookshelves and Paperbacks, and involves featuring 3 diverse books every week. I'll likely be participating once a month, but I hope I'm able to convince you to get your hands on these books, and maybe in the process get some recommendations too! This month I've decided to focus on contemporaries.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Riverdale Review 1x01-06 // dark and intriguing vs. problematic and sensationalised

After seeing a lot of media popularity surrounding Riverdale (and hearing my friend's passionate recommendation) I thought I'd give this show a shot. It was The CW after all, and my experiences with their shows, although a little too teen-angsty, have generally been more positive than negative.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

February Wrap Up // a ton of boring plays and amazing novels

This February I read an epic total of 13 books. That's more than I've ever done in one month. Ever. And a huge improvement of January's pathetic 4 (one of which was a DNF). The majority of them were plays I needed to read for class, which I wanted to get out of the way ASAP. I didn't really enjoy any of them which was a disappointment, but as plays they were thankfully pretty short, and have really helped boost my reading challenge for this year. As for the books I read of my own free will, they were all fantastic! I wrote reviews for all of them, but this definitely won't be the last of you hearing about them from me.