Tuesday 30 July 2019

10 Reasons Why Fantasy is my Favourite Genre

It's no secret that Fantasy is my favourite genre. Over the past few years, my reading tastes have grown to appreciate other genres, but in the end, I always return to Fantasy. Those are the books that have the blurbs and covers that always immediately grab me. Even if an aspect of the book falls short, there is almost always something redeeming about most Fantasy novels for me, whether it be the well-crafted world, unique concept, dynamic characters, or exquisite writing.

But what is it that draws us to Fantasy narratives? In this post, I will be listing just some of the things that draw me to this magical genre.

1. Escape the real world (it's a mess, yo)
On some days the real world is a bit too much to deal with, whether it be your personal life or things that are happening outside your front door. So sometimes it's nice to check out for a few hours and settle into a world totally different from this one. That world still has problems, but at least you get a chance to breathe and run away to a place where you have the potential to be an all-powerful magical being. Sometimes that escapism is all you need to face the real world.

2. Understand the real world better
Fantasy fiction isn't all about escapism. In fact, the genre excels at framing real-world issues in a new way. Take The Hunger Games as an example. This article suggests that "By incorporating the Hunger Games trilogy into the classroom, teachers can encourage students to look at current issues of violence and domination in our world". Although I was not taught these books in school, I distinctly remember the era of all of my classmates reading them. The discussions we as 14-year-olds had were not on which boy Katniss would end up with. They were about issues surrounding world hunger, manipulative governments, and the entertainment industry and the lies that it is capable of feeding us. Fantasy, dystopia, and sci-fi novels can make people, more socially engaged, especially young people as they begin questioning the world around them. Fiction provides a safe space for young people to explore their own opinions on real-life issues and is just as important in helping adults do the same.

3. The real world is kinda boring
I am in no way trying to encourage you to open a portal to a new and more exciting world filled with magic and dragons. BUT. Sometimes getting trapped in your repetitive daily routine or commute can feel exhausting, and often the best antidote for that is to crack open the spine of a book or plug into an audiobook and get yourself a little more excited about taking yet another stuffy train.

4. Higher stakes! (who knows what’s gonna happen? Not me)
Fantasy is so multi-layered, and so when reading, the stakes feel so much higher than they would in a work of realistic fiction. Having to compete in a magical competition AND save the kingdom AND get the girl (who is far cooler than you are)? Sign me up. And the best thing about it is...

5. ...there are rules
Fantasy writers aren't throwing in any old narrative curveball for the sake of it. A good fantasy novel has a well-constructed world and rules for how the magic system works. The best example of this that I can think of is in the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. In the show, the way alchemy works through an equivalent exchange. If you create something, something of equal value must be taken away. Not every fantasy world has rules as strict as this. Sometimes a deus ex machina thrown in that breaks the rules (this isn't always a bad thing, flick through some of TV Tropes' examples of this and I guarantee you'll recognise several of your favourite shows/books that have used it). But you rarely get a random dragon showing up in an urban fantasy just because.

6. If you're a writer, you get to make those rules! - and break them if you want to
If you use the built-in rule system you have created as a barrier to your characters getting what they want, much like with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, congratulations! You have created a million more supernatural ways to create angst and hurt your reader. Plus world-building is probably the most fun thing about being a Fantasy writer. Even if you pick something as straightforward seeming as elemental magic as part of your magic system, there are infinite ways to make that unique to the story you are creating.

7. It's more likely to be a series
A series means that you get to stay with a world and its characters for longer, which is excellent news if book 1 leaves you craving more. A good book series can become an all-consuming passion, and it's much rarer to find that in a standalone. Having said this, there aren't nearly enough good Fantasy stand-alone novels. Fantasy stand-alone books are their own kind of art form and I would love to see more of them, especially because I think a lot of stories can achieve all they need to say in a single book. But when you have a complex Fantasy world with so many layers that it cannot be contained in one book, nothing quite beats the excitement of getting invested in that new series.

8. Pretty covers!
I'm petty like that, okay? The swirling fonts, the shimmering illustrations - I eat it all up. Other genres tend to be more uniform in their cover designs, with pastel contemporaries and starry block-font sci-fi. But with so much variety in the fantasy genre, when it comes to covers, anything goes.

9. Fantasy elements add a new layer to the story
You don't need a whole new world to please me. The smallest dash of the fantastical can sometimes feel all the more magical than an entirely alternate universe. Plus fantasy novels based in a realistic setting like The Raven Boys or Release have huge crossover appeal for contemporary fans who want a bit more character focus.

Because sometimes I just want dragons and wizardry, okay?

The following books are some of my favourite fantasy books and series'.

What are your favourite things about the fantasy genre? Do you like to read it, write it, both, or are you more keen on a different genre? What are some of your fantasy faves?

Inspired by the Top 10 Tuesday theme: Freebie


  1. There is definitely something to be said for a universe where magic truly exists!

    My TTT.

  2. Fantasy is my favorite genre, too, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned. :3 The real world is so boring, so why not go explore another? Plus, magic! And dragons! Fantasy pretty much has a monopoly on dragons, which is unfair because everyone deserves a dragon, but I don't make the rules.

    Here's my TTT post.

    1. YES 100% I NEED A DRAGON. It is so cruel of fantasy writers to keep the dragons from us. The real world would be much better with them in it.
      Thanks for visiting, and sorry for the super late reply!

  3. Definitely love your take on this week's freebie! This is a really great list of reasons why fantasy is the best and it really is. I love it the most for how it lets me escape because the real world legit sucks hard! But also, the covers. I can't lie. I'm a real sucker for a great cover.

    1. Thank you, and sorry it took me forever to reply! The older I get and the more news I read the more I want to jump into a fantasy novel and never return. Although it'd have to be a nice fantasy world because there's no way I'm surviving something like Game of Thrones. I'm glad it's such a good escapism for so many people.

  4. GREAT TOPIC. I agree. You kind of put words to what I think/why I love about fantasy so I'm super hyped. It's such a brilliant genre and I always feel at home within it. Well, maybe home isn't the right word, but you get the idea! Loved this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! And sorry for the late reply!! I totally get what you mean about feeling at home with the fantasy genre. Maybe it's because I've been reading it since I was little, and because fairy tales are so ingrained in all of our brains. Whatever the reason I totally understand why people connect with the genre so much.

  5. I love this post so much, Helia!! Fantasy is my favorite genre (just the slightest bit over contemporary) because of a lot of these reasons. Escapism is definitely a big reason for me -- I just love losing myself in completely different worlds. And yes, I LOVE the higher stakes aspect; I feel like that's the reason why I care for the characters so much more in fantasy (or at least I'm more obsessed with them), because who knows what could happen to them! Great post 💛

    1. Thank you May! Also sorry for replying so late!!
      I used to not like contemporary because a lot of the ones I read when I was younger felt not real enough/reflective of any of my experiences, and for a while also because sometimes it is too real. I've since found contemporary books that I DO connect with, and I appreciate the importance of reading those too-real difficult stories. But also sometimes I just need a fantasy book to escape our more boring and stressful reality.
      You make a great point about caring more about fantasy characters - I hadn't thought about it but I'm exactly the same. Nothing like a bit of hardship to make me immediately get attached to a character!
      Thank you again <3
